Table idea!

Here's an idea. I can change the horrible, gross, nasty legs currently on the table with some nice Container store table legs. Hmmmmmmmmm. And then I wouldn't have to sand the wood legs.
This site has higher quality legs. But if I got them from there, I wouldn't get to go to the Container Store. And I do love the Container Store.
Because I hate that table

I'm starting to sand down the crappy, cheap table we bought right after we got married. I can't even begin to tell you how much I hate that table. I hate the color. I hate the size of it. I hate the turned legs on it. I hate the chairs. I hate it all. The table did teach me that if I don't have enough money to buy what I really like, it's better to just wait, save up some money and then buy something. Waiting even a year to buy a decent table would have been better than being stick with this monstrosity. I'm not going to get rid of it because we currently rent and I don't want to buy anything until we own.
I'm painting the table white; hopefully it will blend into the wall. One can only hope.
Friday before Memorial Day
So, I'm at work and there is no one here, except my manager. It's sad really.
So Ben conducted his own private vodka taste test. He compared the new Absolut vodka, Level, with the almost finished bottle of Stoli we have. According to Ben: Level is smoother, crisper and goes down easier.
All I can say is that Level didn't make me gag and cough the way Stoli did.
Fleet Week
This is the second year in a row that it has been raining and foggy during Fleet week. This means no pictures of incredibly interesting boats and ships.
So Ben’s brother and wife sent us a thank you card for the present we sent them to congratulate them on the birth of their new baby. For those of you counting – this makes three. But they didn’t include a picture of the new baby. Why??? Don’t these people get that all I care about are pictures? Did they miss my entire Web site filled with nothing but pictures? They’ve sent pictures of the other children when they were born (or a month or two after). Is number Three just not as picture worthy as One and Two?

The Mulch
The weekend
The mulching has been completed. Picture to arrive shortly. Every muscle just hurts. Which is a good thing since it's about the only exercise I've gotten in the past month. The neighbor next door worked on his lawn all weekend long. Every time we went outside, he was there: 8 am, 10am, noon, 3pm, 6pm, Saturday, Sunday. Another reason why I don't think I want a house just yet. Who wants to work that hard on a lawn?
It's Friday!!!!!
Tomorrow is "Mulch Day". This is where I go to my parent's house and put down mulch in the flowerbeds, so weeds don't grow. I do this because my parents don't believe in mulch. Yet, every summer they are perplexed as to why weeds are growing in their flower beds.
It’s easier for me to mulch, than to listen to them complain for then next 3-4 months.
Pictures from Greece

So my co-worker, Denis, went to Greece for his honeymoon. Check out one of the pictures he took.
Welcome to my blog. I don't actually know what I will write about. Oh and I misspell things all the time and may make grammar errors.