Dec's Car of the Month

Look!! Superman sold out!
A bit much
Pictures of some of the
holiday lights in Brooklyn. I'm missing the pictures of the 30ft Toy Solders because my camera's bateries died.

We started with rice cereal, which she did NOT like. Then we moved to bananas, which as you can see, she loves and tries desperately to get as much into her mouth as possible.
And Rob, this picture was not my idea.
Ben has said that I'm slacking on my gadget posting and that we have several things that I've bought that qualify as gadgets but I have not posted. So here they are:
Our Iron. Ben says that since it beeps and has a digital display it is now a gadget. I disagree and say it's a necessity. A digital necessity.
Thermometers for Maddy. Again, they are digital but I feel that's where the world is.
My Shuffle. Who knew getting a new bank account would mean getting a new shuffle.