Friday, July 25, 2008

iPod and Tadpole

Here's our latest gadget - a video iPod for Maddy with a Tadpole carrying case and headphones so she can't destroy the iPod.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Mowing the Lawn

You may remember how I used to rail against my parents neighbor, who constantly was mowing and maintaining his lawn. You may be wondering if we too became lawn addicts since we are now suburbanites. Well rest assured, we just mowed our lawn for the first time in 20 days. Apparently if you don't water your lawn, it doesn't grow.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Flip Video

Here's the Flip Video. This gadget arrived several months ago and is one of the best things ever. While Ben has configured the DVD video camera to be almost completely inoperable by me, I am still able to capture Maddy's cute moments with this camera and post them quickly to the Web without Ben's fancy-schmancy video editing software.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I'm back!!!!

New gadgets will be reviewed shortly.